
Lots of things have been in flow since I’ve posted here, but here are few tidbits to explore: A conversation about what happens when valuable things become free. The Weave! World of Wisdom Podcast episode…

We: Social Spaces for Collaboration

Say that we agree to define collaboration as a group’s ability to coordinate effort to produce some work output.  I believe that the effectiveness of collaboration improves in direct proportion to: how easy it is to create social spaces in which to do that coordination,  the degree of composability of those social spaces (especially nesting) […]

Where and the Grammatics of Location

Consider playing soccer or football blindfolded. Unless you have gotten really good with echolocation, playing the game becomes impossible for the simple reason that you stop being able to answer the questions “where is the ball?” and “where are my teammates?”. More subtly, consider the difficulties of having hard or delicate conversations using just a […]

The App: from Killer to Mother

The Wikipedia defines “Killer App” as a marketing term for “any computer program that is so necessary or desirable that it proves the core value of some larger technology.” Not surprising that the term comes from marketing, that branch of business devoted to competing for customers and trying to kill off the competition. But if […]

Current-see and Death Straight Talk

I haven’t written much lately, I guess I’ve been busy… mostly with two things: Cancer & Ceptr. Currently, my time is about living with a spouse with stage 4 metastatic breast cancer and all that it takes to support her as well I can. My work is about building tools for a post-monetary society; creating […]